Architected Materials and Additive Manufacturing (AM2) Lab

focuses on understanding mechanics of architected materials and structures inspired by nature and enabled by advanced manufacturing processes, along with development of autonomous robotic manufacturing pathways for future materials and structures.

Lab News

Moini Lab members receive two poster awards at American Concrete Institute 

Krystal Delnoce and Arjun Prihar received the 1st and 3rd poster award during ACI convention in San Francisco. 

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Moini Lab receives Schmidt Transformative Technology Fund

AM2 Lab, in collaboration with  Davidson and  Datta Labs, will work on new functional water-absorbing concrete.

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Moini Lab makes it to the cover of Advanced Materials 

 Shashank Gupta’s paper on fracture & statistical mechanics of bone-inspired cementitious material made it to the cover of Advanced Materials Journal Issue 52 

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Moini Lab makes the cover of Advanced Functional Materials

Shashank Gupta & Hadi Shagerdi’s paper on nacre-like cementitious materials made it to the cover of the Advanced Functional Material Journal Issue 39  

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Lab Overview

The world's growing population and climate change assert the need for scientific advancements for design and manufacturing of damage resilient and ecologically viable infrastructure.

 The Architected Materials and Additive Manufacturing (AM2) Lab at Princeton University is a research group addressing the need for advanced engineering materials and structures enabled by development of novel manufacturing techniques. Using experiments, simulation, and theory, the focus of the group centers on understanding and controlling the fracture mechanics of bio-inspired and architected materials using fracture mechanics, computational mechanics (phase-field and cohesive zone models), and statistical mechanics. We advance a wide range of robotic, additive, or laser-based manufacturing processes that enable enhanced mechanics and functions of the materials.  Advancing robotics in additive manufacturing represents upcoming transition from automation to autonomy by improving the control (feedback), path planning, and sensing. These advancements in additive manufacturing techniques reciprocally leverage new possibilities in design of tough and functional heterogeneous materials.  We emphasize on wholistically improving fundamental mechanical (toughness, ductility) and functional (thermal, water/carbon uptake) characteristics in purposefully designed heterogeneous materials. The inceptions and investigations of the lab in the areas of mechanics and robotics aim to address need for resilient engineering materials and advanced manufacturing methods of construction. 

The Moini Lab is looking for motivated students and postdocs to join the lab.  Please DO NOT send repeated emails.